
LA Immo offers you in Cruchten, in the commune of Nommern (canton of Mersch), the sale in future construction of single-family houses in strips and building plots with or without a building contract (2.97 ares - 4.54 ares).

The commune, part of the canton of Mersch, has all the amenities and qualities of a modern commune, such as primary school, crèche, halfway house, cultural center, playgrounds, well-developed transport network (train and bus) and various small shops.

Distance to Mersch and Ettelbruck 7 km and 20 minutes from downtown Luxembourg.
Connection A7 1 km

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:
by phone +352 621 65 44 44
by e-mail [email protected]

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List of available properties

Land--393 m2-459 810 €
Land--297 m2-374 220 €
Semi-detached-3137 m211 130 000 €
Semi-detached-4173 m221 355 000 €
Semi-detached-4176 m221 428 000 €
Land--454 m2-510 750 €


Attributes and Features ref. no
Housing developmentsProperty subtype
Housing developments & ResidenceProperty type
Lotissement CruchtenAgency ref. no
Monthly running cost Not provided by the agency

DepositNot provided by the agency

LA Immo Sàrl
374 220 € to 1 428 000 €

137m2 to 454m2


detail_page_right_detail_appartementHousing developments