
Get the most out of your holiday home

Be it home, cottage, apartment, villa or vacation home that you may want to let, we understand your needs and offer a wide range of services.
Do you have a home you’d like to rent out? Tell us all about it. 


The 7 benefits in working with Belvilla are:


  1. Professional photography and listing management of the apartments
  2. 24/7 Local support in case of questions and emergency service
  3. Promotion through 2.000 partnering Online Travel Agents (, AirBnb, Homeaway, travel agencies)
  4. Manage all bookings via one calendar in the Home Owner Portal
  5. Bookings are paid 2 weeks in advance
  6. Up to 100% cancellation fee to Home Owner
  7. Up to 10.000 € damage insurance

With over 40 years of knowledge and experience behind it, Belvilla has become the market leader in the Benelux region and one of the largest European players in the market for holiday homes. More than 550,000 guests stay in one of our holiday homes every year, primarily from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Great Britain. 

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Faits et caractéristiques

Wi18784N° réf.
100 m2Surface habitable
Maison de rapportSous-type de bien
Immeuble de rapportType de bien
Charges mensuelles Non renseigné par l'agence

AccompteNon renseigné par l'agence

Prix sur demande



detail_page_right_detail_appartementMaison de rapport